lundi 14 mars 2016

Detox Your Organs And Never Be Tired Or Sick Again

Many people, even including the younger population, are becoming more and more affected by chronic illnesses like autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Our bodies are systems that also have their weaknesses.

When their immune response is weakened, the body becomes susceptible to some external factors like toxins that not just change the cell DNA, but also can lead to many physical disorders.
Also, there is a long list of factors that can lead to genetic disorders and the most usual include hormone disrupters, stress, bacteria, viruses, parasites, refined carbs, and pesticides, products, heavy metals… Your spirit and mind also are important for your health.
The health largely depends on the ability of the immune system to get rid of the toxins. This generally happens through bouts of diarrhea, vomiting and fevers. But, if the toxins stay in the body, and the body is continually exposed to the effects of the toxins, this can trigger an autoimmune condition.


The autoimmune disease is a health disorder where the immune system of the body has been compromised, and it causes the body to turn on itself. The toxins that are still in the body make the body to give that immune response. A diet that is rich in wheat, gluten, sugar, pesticides, GMO and heavy metals can trigger an autoimmune condition. The antacids like Nexium, Prilosec and Pepcid can disrupt the pH balance and also inhibit the release of pepsin, which is an enzyme that is responsible for the protein breakdown.
This can lead to protein buildup in your gut, and they can leak through the gut wall and also being mistaken for a foreign body, so they alert the immune system. So, your body gives a response through inflammation.
Usually, the short-term inflammations are a defense reaction of your body against the foreign invaders. But, when the inflammation becomes chronic, it can trigger many serious health conditions, including:
  • Muscles: muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia
  • Nerves: Peripheral neuropathy and diabetic
  • Blood: lupus, leukemia, hemolytic conditions
  • Thyroid gland: Graves’ disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis
  • Bones: Polymyalgia rheumatic, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Brain: Guillain-Barre syndrome, autism, MS
  • Lungs: asthma, Wegener’s granulomatosis
  • Skin: vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma
  • Pancreas/GI tract: diabetes, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, IBS, Celiacs
Weakening the immunity of the body through immunosuppressant therapy, in the place of addressing the cause that triggers these health conditions is a totally false approach, says the allopathic medicine. What occurs in such cases is inhibiting the immune reaction of the body to the foreign invaders rather than removing them. This ignoring of the main cause for an autoimmune condition results in many side effects.
Luckily, the natural medicine has many things to offer when it comes to detoxification of the whole body and strengthening the immunity in order to prevent these diseases.
Find out how to detox the organs and strengthen the immunity.


Gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, fried and processed food, and GMO can trigger the false immune responses in the body. Although many of these kinds of foods are safe to eat in their natural and unprocessed state, once pasteurized, refined or genetically modified, these foods become very inflammatory. That is why avoiding trans fats, aspartame, sugar, MSG, hydrogenated oils like vegetable oil or canola oil is strongly recommended. The excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine can be harmful too.
The organic food has to be your priority together with some healthy fats like the avocado and coconut oil, olive oil, omega 3’s, probiotics, seeds and nuts. The reverse osmosis filter or Berkey filter can help you to remove the metals, toxins and fluoride from the tap water. The alkaline diets are also beneficial because they have a high potassium content and low sodium content.

Liver cleanse

The best cleaning of the liver can be done by using dandelion root, burdock root, beets, milk thistle, garlic, curcumin or turmeric, fermented foods, Jerusalem artichokes, and castor oil packs on your abdomen. It is really essential that the cleaning of the liver contains ornithine. Some sorts of tea, like dandelion and tulsi, are very beneficial for the detoxification of the liver. The Lugol’s iodine is great compound that can be used for liver detox and for stimulation of the metabolism.

Olive oil cleanse for the liver

If you have gallstones, you should consume tart green apples and carrot juice every day for one week in order to soften the gallstones and also to prevent the dislocation during the process of detoxification. Follow this together with a shot of lemon juice and olive oil and a castor oil pack.

Kidney cleanse

In order to clean your kidneys you have to use herbs like Flor-essence tea, horsetail, ginger, Uva Ursi capsules, vitamin B6, Goldenrod tincture, Vegetable Glycerin, and Black Cherry Concentrate. Also, the magnesium, lukewarm lemon water, organic cranberry juice, Epsom salt baths and apple cider vinegar can be beneficial too. Stay away from foods treated with chemicals during the process of detoxification because they can lead to kidney failure.

Colon cleanse

The normal function of the bowel includes 2 to 3 BMs/day. In order to clean the colon, try Triphala or Indian gooseberry. A great liver and colon cleanse can be done with the coffee enemas also. It is recommended to increase the intake of fluoride free or distilled water, aloe Vera water, plant based organic diet, ginger, coconut, kefir, fennel, garlic, magnesium, vitamin C, and activated charcoal or bentonite clay.

Heavy Metals

The best chelators are activated charcoal and zeolite clay. Also, you can use Chlorella, cilantro, and high sulfur foods like garlic, cabbage, onions, and Brussels sprouts. You can get a professional IV chelation, but be sure to avoid unnecessary vaccines that contain heavy metals.
Mercury, usually found in the tooth fillings, is a neurotoxin that is able to trigger autoimmune conditions, brain deterioration, and mood disorders. Finding a dentist that specializes in removing the mercury amalgams is strongly recommended.


To remove the parasites effectively consider using black walnut hull, wormwood, cloves, garlic, cinnamon, psyllium husks, coconut oil, coffee enemas and bentonite clay. Make sure that you get distilled water, organic coffee, complete sterility, and lie on the right side, holding for 10 to 20 minutes.

Lymphatic system

The proper function of the lymphatic system depends on the movement, like yoga, walking or any other physical activity. Rebounding, deep breathing, and dry brushing are recommended also to improve the function. Also, the soft lymph massages are beneficial for removing the toxins from your body. The lymphatic system is important for the health because it acts like the sewer system of your body.


The skin is the largest organ on the body. Make-up, chemical-laden lotions, fragrances or deodorants can compromise the hormonal balance and lead to endometriosis, PCOS, and fibroids because the high content of BHT, parabens or some other endocrine disrupters.
Sweating, infrared sauna, Epsom salt baths, hot yoga and dry brushing are recommended for stimulating the lymphatic system into removing the toxins and chemicals.
The regular sweating and exercise are great for removing the toxins.
Because your overall health depends on the right function of the organs, detoxifying them is important for maintaining good health.
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